Ron Ashkenas is an executive coach and boardroom advisor with more than 35 years of experience in supporting leadership growth and organizational transformation. On this episode, we explore great leadership: what is it, what’s the difference with management, how do you grow as a leader and what does it take to succeed, particularly in today’s virtual environment?
Weaving Coaching into Your Leadership, with Michael Bungay Stanier
Michael Bungay Stanier returns to the show to discuss his latest book ‘The Advice Trap’. We are hardwired to add value to each and every conversation and offer our advice without being asked. And why not? Our knowledge is probably the biggest reason why we got to where we are today. But if you want to grow as a leader, you have to be able to resist the temptation to offer advice – or tame your advice monster, as Michael calls it.
Nanco Vrijland: Personal Leadership in Crisis
Nanco Vrijland, the coach who trained me, talks about personal leadership and the power of generosity in times of crisis. In this episode, which was recorded in Dutch, Nanco shares tips on how to deal with uncertainty and live a more examined life. I will soon release a short episode in English to share what I learned from this deeply personal conversation.
Coach-Like Leadership in Times of Crisis, with Michael Bungay Stanier
Michael Bungay Stanier and I joined forces today to discuss the Corona-crisis and how it affects the world of work and leadership. Michael is the best-selling author of ‘The Coaching Habit’, which teaches leaders how to empower people to do their best work. We discuss whether there is a place for this kind of leadership in these unprecedented times. We also explore how to have coaching conversations with your staff when working remotely.