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Are you aware of your Advice Trap?
In this episode, best-selling author Michael Bungay Stanier returns to the show to talk about how to weave coaching into your leadership and lifestyle.
Taming your Advice Monster, as Michael calls it, is an important step in the process.
Most of us are hardwired to offer our advice without being asked. And why not? Our knowledge is probably the biggest reason why we got to where we are today. This is how we add value, right?
But if you want to grow as a leader, you have to learn how stay curious a little bit longer and rush to action and advice-giving a little bit more slowly. In our conversation, Michael explains why and how.
To get a taste of what Michael and I talked about, check out the 3-minute video teaser on LinkedIn.
For the full episode (and better audio quality), click on the player above or look up Meeting Strategist in your favorite podcast app. Here are links to Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
In our conversation, we discuss:
What it means to be more coach-like as a leader
The difference between being coach-like and professional coaching
Being lazy, often and curious: the principles of coach-like leadership
Michael’s seven coaching questions
The importance of trust in effective leadership conversations
Investing in the resilience of relationships
Being human at work
And… why it all boils down to having a more adult-to-adult relationship at work
“Being coach-like is the basis for a more adult-to-adult relationship.”
To learn more about Michael’s work, go to https://www.mbs.works
Please also check out my earlier conversation with Michael from March 2020 when we discussed the Corona-crisis and how it affects the world of work and leadership.
Michael Bungay Stanier is the author of ‘The Coaching Habit’, one of the best-selling coaching books ever. The book is structured around seven questions, which provide an easy way to kick off a coaching conversation. His latest book - ‘The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious & Change the Way You Lead Forever’ - tackles one of the biggest obstacles to becoming a more coach-like leader.